Vehicle Comparison
Case CE CX17D Mini Excavator, Trailer AND Buckets
Price on Application - Price will be disclosed to you upon contacting us.
Track Mounted
Stock #
Three Rivers Machinery
25 Zora Street, Warren, NSW 2824
Phone: 02 6847 3111
- Warranty: 3 Year/3000 Hour Warranty
Please confirm all features with dealer.
3Price on Application - Price will be disclosed to you upon contacting us.
* Stage V Yanmar Mechanical Engine
* 15.4HP
* Fuel Tank Integrated into Hood Door
* Hydraulic Extendible Undercarriage (Min 990 - Max 1250mm)
* Dozer Blades Dimension Mirror Undercarriage Widths
* Easy Foldable Dozer Blades
* Undercarriage and Dozer Blade Managed Through Same Lever
* Selector Switch Allows Easy Operation
* 0.95m Standard Arm Length
* 2.02m Digging Depth
* 2.34m Max Dump Height
* Auxiliary 1 To Control Both Mono and Bi-Directional Flow
* Open Center Hydraulic System with 2 Var Pumps and 1 Gear Pump
* Mechanical-Proportional Control through Pedals
* ROPS-FOPS Level 1 with Self-Supporting Canopy and Vinyl Seat
* Linkage with No Hook
* Travel Alarm
* Standard Counterweight
* LED Working Lights
* 230mm Rubber Tracks
* Fire Extinguisher
* 3 Year/3000 Hour Warranty
* Ex Dubbo
* Price: On Application
Current Promotional Offer: 2.99% Finance Available/ 36 Month Loan Term. 4 Year/4000 Hour Warranty. For a limited time only.
For more information, please contact:
Ben 0400 190 700